Step 1 :
- Watch the video which promotes volunteer holidays, read the introduction again and answer those questions:
Attached document entitled "Step 1: What is Volunteer Holidays?"
Step 2 :
- List your hobbies and activities.
- Compare them to the different volunteering actions you can take with this agency.
- Explain why this volunteering action fits you the best.
Attached document entitled "Step 2: Hobbies - Volunteering Actions"
Attached document entitled "Step 2 (bis): Hobbies - Volunteering Actions"
Step 3 :
- Look at the list of countries which corresponds to the volunteering action you want to carry out.
- Research information on the different countries explain why you choose one in particular.
Attached document entitled "Step 3: Applying in a Particular Country"
Step 4 :
- How long would you spend there (don’t forget about the price).
Attached document entitled "Step 4: Time Spent There and Prices"
Step 5 :
- Since your parents are a little worried about your next journey, gather some information so that they will be reassured. They want to know:
Don't worry, if you can't find all those pieces of information, you would ask those questions to the agency employee who'll call you.
Attached document entitled "Step 5: Questions to answer"
Step 6 :
- Complete the no obligation application form - once you have found your program, note down your trip duration and departure date and send it to GVI.
Attached document entitled "Step 6: Application Form"
Attached document entitled "Application Form"
Step 7 :
- Prepare your phone interview
(motivations, hobbies, why did you choose X volunteering? Why did you choose X country)
- List the questions you will ask to the agency employee when she will call you to chat through your application.
How to handle a phone interview
Attached document entitled "Step 7: Preparing my phone interview"
Attached document entitled "Step 7 (bis): Listed questions to ask"
Step 8 :
- Think about the video you will capture in order to promote your application to such an incredible journey. You’ll have 1 minute to sell yourself and to present your motivations to the agency so
that they will choose you.
Example of video 1 (applying for the best job in the world)
of video 2 (applying for the best job in the world)
Attached document entitled "Step 8: Preparing my Video Recording"
My Project: Volunteering Abroad
Application Form